
About our Group

Viktoria Sp. z o.o. Fruit Producers Group was founded in January 2011. The Company was established by a group of fruit producers, who are also involved in the sale of fruit. Besides apples, we also grow plums, cherries, pears and strawberries.

The Group's registered address is at Kozietuły – a village in the Mazovia region, poviat of Grójec, by the road from Grójec to Mogielnica.

We offer fruit to the domestic and international markets, where we deliver apples, plums, cherries, strawberries and pears.

All the farms grouped in our organization have an Integrated Production (IP) system. Under the IP system, the fruit are regularly controlled for any harmful substances by the National Inspection for Plant and Seed Protection.

The Company offers a wide range of fruit sizes. The fruit are usually sent in disposable packaging but we can adjust to the Client's needs. We guarantee an efficient, quick and accurate process of preparing the products for dispatch. We have our own means of transport.

Viktoria Sp. z o. o.
Grupa Producentów Owoców
Kozietuły 55, 05-640 Mogielnica